Soon to Come: Ayurvedic Skin Saver Packages Consist of balancing herbal facial oil, utvartan (cleansing scrub), herbal formula, nutrition and lifestyle guidance. Vata-Anti-Aging Skin Saver Package Pitta-Acne Skin Saver Package Kapha-Congested Skin Saver Package {Blackheads, whiteheads} Pigmentation Skin Saver Package [(Discoloration and uneven pigmentation} Eczema/ Skin Saver Package Psoriasis Skin Saver Package Ayurvedic Body CareCellulite, Water Retention and Circulation Package Consists of utvartan, exfoliating body scrub and body toner. These products release trapped fluids and toxins from the tissue, increasing circulation and the lymphatic flow. Diminishes the appearance of dimpling and increases the skin tone Ayurvedic Hair CareVata Hair Can be dry, frizzy and dull, with tendency to split ends. The scalp can be flaky (dandruff). Pitta Hair Tends to be fine, premature graying and balding; can be oily and can have oily dandruff. Kapha Hair Thick and often wavy, often oily and lustrous. Ayurvedic Hair and Scalp Saver Packages can be custom-ordered. Consists of nourishing scalp and hair oil, herbal formula, nutrition and lifestyle. Vata Hair and Scalp Saver Package: dry scalp and hair Pitta Hair and Scalp Saver Package: oily, itchy scalp Hair Loss Saver Package - Pitta oil Kapha Hair and Scalp Saver Package: increases circulation |