About Shakti Healing
Elke Savala, the founder of Shakti Healing, integrates into her Ayurvedic based practice a wide range of holistic modalities. Services include herbal and nutritional consultations, various hands-on treatments, mind-body therapies and Panchakarma. Currently Shakti Healing is located in a cozy Berkeley/El-Cerrito (East Bay) house. Vision for Shakti Healing CenterMy life dream is to create an intentional “green” healing community, for people wishing to cultivate an optimal state of well being, beauty and serenity; a sanctuary that reconnects us to the sacred within nature. This place, to be called Shakti Healing Retreat Center and Eco Village, will be dedicated to the Goddess as the source of creation (known as “Shakti” in Sanskrit). Ancient healing traditions from around the world will be practiced and taught. The ultimate mission of this center and eco village will be to facilitate extraordinary personal transformation and deep healing, utilizing ancient wisdom traditions as well as emphasizing sustainability. I envision an idyllic natural setting with meadows and rolling hills, forests, flowing streams, and clear unpolluted well water, preferably with a sub-tropical or Mediterranean climate. Shakti Eco Village will be off the grid and powered by renewable energy sources. An organic fruit orchard and vegetable-herb gardens surround the healing center. The Shakti Healing Retreat Center features timeless, holistic, preventative and curative systems; Ayurveda, Yoga, Tibetan Medicine, indigenous and Shamanic traditions from the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and the Pacific Islands. Shakti Center will bring together an international community of compassionate visionaries who desire to live in harmony with nature and Spirit. It will be an oasis of beauty, healing and hope for a better future. Local as well as global fair trade products can be sold to support indigenousness communities in the Amazon, Africa and India. My vision of Shakti Healing Center models a holistic paradigm of preventative care and healing, integrating body, mind and spirit. We will implement the highest quality services and educational programs which include self care, personal and spiritual growth, mystic teachings, sacred ritual, sustainable/green living, art, creative fulfillment and positive transformation. Shakti Healing Retreat Center will be a non-profit organization with work-exchange opportunities for individuals interested in a healthier way of living. Visionaries, artists, healers, and supportive patrons who are passionate about ancient healing traditions, sustainable living, the sacred feminine, the arts, and protecting bio diversity are invited to collaborate in making this beautiful healing center and green community become a exciting reality.
Elke's Statement"I have been studying many holistic modalities to aid in my own healing process. When I discovered Ayurveda it immediately resonated with me. More rich, colorful and complete than any other healing system, it appeals to all my senses as well as my logical mind. As a massage therapist and artist, the aesthetics and creativity of the hands-on treatments of Ayurveda are especially appealing. Ayurveda touches all aspects of life and offers many tools to help us come back into balance. How we nourish our body, mind and spirit determines our overall health. Food, herbs, touch, minerals, color, sound and fragrance are all medicine. Environment, art, beauty, and spirituality are aspects of the all-encompassing Ayurvedic philosophy. Ayurveda focuses on the cause of imbalances rather than the symptoms. It is a self-healing system empowering the individual to improve and enjoy good health. The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda has much to offer in these stressful times. For me, all the pieces come together in one beautiful system, rooted in the deep knowledge of timeless, universal principles. Ayurveda truly is the mother of all healing modalities. I am a committed practitioner and student of the science of life, and I am dedicated to providing excellent service in the time-honored tradition of Ayurveda." Elke's bio |