Course Outline
Theory & Philosophy
- Introduction to Sankhya theory and Shad Darshan (6 Indian Philosophies)
- Gunas & Pancha Mahabhuta, (attributes) Doshic Theory (functional principles in biologic systems), Dinacharya
- Vata (the air principle), its subtypes, and the effects when increased and decreased.
- Pitta dosha (the fire principle), its subtypes, and the effects when increased and decreased
- Kapha dosha (the earth principle), its subtypes, and the effects when increased and decreased
- Prakruti (balance)
- Vikruti (imbalance), The Mind; prakruti & vikruti
The Concept of Agni, Shad Rasa & Introduction to Digestion
- Introduction to Dhatus, (body tissues)
- Introduction to the concept of Srotas (functional systems in the body)
Pathology -- Theory & Assessment
- Basic Principles of Ayurvedic Physiology, Health and Imbalance
- The Ayurvedic concept of health and disease
- Overview of Ayurvedic etiology & pathogenesis
- Nidana, an in-depth look at etiological factors of imbalance
- Samprapti an in-depth look at the first three stages of pathogenesis (aggravation, accumulation and spread)
- The Eight Rules of Dietetics
- Methods of acquiring information: Academic, Direct Perception and Inference; Prashna (Questioning), Darshan (Observation), Sparshan (Tactile Perception).
- An in-depth look at Prashna (questioning) using: The Rugna Patrakam, The Dosha assessment forms for Prakruti / Vikruti, and Manas Prakruti / Vikruti
- Assessment Techniques: An in-depth look at Darshan (observation): Akruti (Body Form & Face), Jihva (Tongue), Drig (Eye), Ayurvedic Pulse Reading
Clinical Studies
- The Ayurvedic Approach to Management of Imbalance and Disease
- Rugnapatrakam
- Chikitsa: (the management plan)
- Practicum and individual cases
- History
- Disease
- Treatment
- Medicine
- Dravya Gunya--Theory of Drug Action
- Identification
- Classification
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacognosy
- Interactions
- Toxicology
- Ayurvedic Preparations
- Compounding
- Handling, Processing, Storage
- Apparatuses
- Ethics
- Legal Issues
- Resources
- Applied Herbology – 24 Herbs