Course Outline

Theory & Philosophy

  1. Introduction to Sankhya theory and Shad Darshan (6 Indian Philosophies)
  2. Gunas & Pancha Mahabhuta, (attributes) Doshic Theory (functional principles in biologic systems), Dinacharya
  3. Vata (the air principle), its subtypes, and the effects when increased and decreased.
  4. Pitta dosha (the fire principle), its subtypes, and the effects when increased and decreased
  5. Kapha dosha (the earth principle), its subtypes, and the effects when increased and decreased
  6. Prakruti (balance)
  7. Vikruti (imbalance), The Mind; prakruti & vikruti

The Concept of Agni, Shad Rasa & Introduction to Digestion

  1. Introduction to Dhatus, (body tissues)
  2. Introduction to the concept of Srotas (functional systems in the body)

Pathology -- Theory & Assessment

  1. Basic Principles of Ayurvedic Physiology, Health and Imbalance
  2. The Ayurvedic concept of health and disease
  3. Overview of Ayurvedic etiology & pathogenesis
  4. Nidana, an in-depth look at etiological factors of imbalance
  5. Samprapti an in-depth look at the first three stages of pathogenesis (aggravation, accumulation and spread)
  6. The Eight Rules of Dietetics
  7. Methods of acquiring information: Academic, Direct Perception and Inference; Prashna (Questioning), Darshan (Observation), Sparshan (Tactile Perception).
  8. An in-depth look at Prashna (questioning) using: The Rugna Patrakam, The Dosha assessment forms for Prakruti / Vikruti, and Manas Prakruti / Vikruti
  9. Assessment Techniques: An in-depth look at Darshan (observation): Akruti (Body Form & Face), Jihva (Tongue), Drig (Eye), Ayurvedic Pulse Reading

Clinical Studies

  1. The Ayurvedic Approach to Management of Imbalance and Disease
  2. Rugnapatrakam
  3. Chikitsa: (the management plan)
  4. Practicum and individual cases


  • History
  • Disease
  • Treatment
  • Medicine
  • Dravya Gunya--Theory of Drug Action
  • Identification
  • Classification
  • Pharmacology
  • Pharmacognosy
  • Interactions
  • Toxicology
  • Ayurvedic Preparations
  • Compounding
  • Handling, Processing, Storage
  • Apparatuses
  • Ethics
  • Legal Issues
  • Resources
  • Applied Herbology – 24 Herbs