
Clinical States of Agni / Digestion – A Self Assessment and Remedial Guidelines

Answer Yes or No to the following:

Results: If more than one “Yes” answer in this category then digestion is vishama / variable and vata is affecting it.

Results: If more than one “Yes” answer in this category then digestion is tikshna / sharp and pitta is affecting it.

Results: If more than one “Yes” answer in this category then digestion is manda / dull or slow and kapha is affecting it

Results for this survey--circle one: variable sharp slow/dull

Remedial Guidelines for Disturbed Digestion

Result from survey Clinical States of Agni / Digestion – A Self Assessment: variable sharp slow/dull

For the Result: digestion is vishama / variable and vata is affecting it consider the following:

For the Result: digestion is tikshna / sharp and pitta is affecting it consider the following:

For the Result: digestion is manda / dull or slow and kapha is affecting it consider the following:

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